All Known Implementing Classes:
EMFProfileApplicationDecoratorImpl, EMFProfileApplicationDecoratorImpl

public interface EMFProfileApplicationDecorator
  • Method Details

    • canDecorateEditorParts

      String[] canDecorateEditorParts()
      returns editor part extension ids which this decorator supports.
    • setPluginExtensionOperationsListener

      void setPluginExtensionOperationsListener(PluginExtensionOperationsListener listener)
      Sets the listener for extension plug-in which can execute operations on extended plug-in.
      listener - or null to remove a listener.
    • decorate

      void decorate(EObject eObject, List<Image> images, List<String> toolTipTexts)
      Decorating graphical representation of element holding EObject. Graphical element will be decorated with images and tool tip texts that represent applied Stereotypes on this EObject.
      eObject - EObject in question.
      images - Image representation of applied Stereotypes on EOjbect.
      toolTipTexts - Names of Stereotypes applied on EObject.