Class EMFProfileDiagramEditorUtil


public class EMFProfileDiagramEditorUtil extends Object
Generated class or method.
  • Constructor Details

    • EMFProfileDiagramEditorUtil

      public EMFProfileDiagramEditorUtil()
  • Method Details

    • getSaveOptions

      public static Map<?,?> getSaveOptions()
      Generated class or method.
    • openDiagram

      public static boolean openDiagram(Resource diagram) throws PartInitException
      Generated class or method.
    • getUniqueFileName

      public static String getUniqueFileName(IPath containerFullPath, String fileName, String extension)
      Generated class or method.
    • openModel

      public static Resource openModel(Shell shell, String description, org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain)
      Allows user to select file and loads it as a model.
      Generated class or method.
    • runWizard

      public static void runWizard(Shell shell, Wizard wizard, String settingsKey)
      Runs the wizard in a dialog.
      Generated class or method.
    • createDiagram

      public static Resource createDiagram(URI diagramURI, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
      Generated class or method.
    • selectElementsInDiagram

      public static void selectElementsInDiagram( diagramPart, List<org.eclipse.gef.EditPart> editParts)
      Generated class or method.
    • findView

      public static org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View findView(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.DiagramEditPart diagramEditPart, EObject targetElement, EMFProfileDiagramEditorUtil.LazyElement2ViewMap lazyElement2ViewMap)
      Generated class or method.