Interface ProfileApplicationDecorator

All Superinterfaces:
EObject, Notifier, ProfileApplication
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProfileApplicationDecorator extends ProfileApplication
This object decorates the ProfileApplication with additional functionalities, e.g. the semantic name of the profile application (constructed of profile name and location of profile application resource), the status if profile application has changed and needs to be saved, or convenience methods to apply/remove stereotypes or nested objects.
  • Method Details

    • isDirty

      boolean isDirty()
      Is this profile application changed and if it needs to be saved
    • setDirty

      void setDirty(boolean dirty)
      To set if profile application has changed or not
      dirty -
    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the Name of this profile application.
      The name is constructed out of loaded profile name and the location of this profile application resource in the workspace.
    • save

      void save() throws IOException, CoreException
      To save this profile application
    • getApplicableStereotypes

      Collection<? extends StereotypeApplicability> getApplicableStereotypes(EObject eObject)
      Returns the list of applicable stereotype for the specified type in eClass.
      Note: The method is actually implemented in IProfileFacade, so this method forwards the call to the facade.
      eClass - to get applicable stereotype for.
      the list of applicable Stereotypes.
    • applyStereotype

      StereotypeApplication applyStereotype(StereotypeApplicability stereotypeApplicability, EObject eObject)
      Applies the specified applicableStereotype.
      Note: The method is actually implemented in IProfileFacade, so this method forwards the call to the facade.

      This method is a convenience method for #apply(Stereotype, EObject, Extension).

      It also sets the state of this profile application to dirty.
      stereotypeApplicability - the applicable stereotype to be applied.
      eObject - to apply the applicableStereotype to.
      the created instance of the Stereotype.
    • addNestedEObject

      void addNestedEObject(EObject container, EReference eReference, EObject eObject)
      Adds a nested eObject to the container and sets this profile application to dirty.
      container -
      eReference -
      eObject -
    • removeEObject

      void removeEObject(EObject object)
      Removes the nested object from the profile application resource and sets it to dirty state.
      object -
    • getProfileName

      String getProfileName()
      Gets the name of the loaded profile.