Package javax.measure.unit

package javax.measure.unit

Provides support for programatic unit handling.

Standart/NonStandard Units

Standard units and prefixes are provided by the SI class (Système International d'Unités) and about 50 non-standard units are available through the NonSI class.

Usage examples:

[code] import javax.measure.Scalar; import javax.measure.Measure; import javax.measure.unit.*; import javax.measure.quantity.*; import static javax.measure.unit.SI.*; import static javax.measure.unit.NonSI.*; import static javax.measure.unit.Dimension.*; public class Main { public void main(String[] args) { // Conversion between units. System.out.println(KILO(METRE).getConverterTo(MILE).convert(10)); // Retrieval of the system unit (identifies the measurement type). System.out.println(REVOLUTION.divide(MINUTE).getSystemUnit()); // Dimension checking (allows/disallows conversions) System.out.println(ELECTRON_VOLT.isCompatible(WATT.times(HOUR))); // Retrieval of the unit dimension (depends upon the current model). System.out.println(ELECTRON_VOLT.getDimension()); } } > 6.2137119223733395 > rad/s > true > [L]²·[M]/[T]² [/code]

Unit Parameterization

Units are parameterized (<Q extends Quantity>) to enforce compile-time checks of units/measures consistency, for example:[code] Unit MINUTE = SECONDS.times(60); // Ok. Unit MINUTE = METRE.times(60); // Compile error. Unit HECTOPASCAL = HECTO(PASCAL); // Ok. Unit HECTOPASCAL = HECTO(NEWTON); // Compile error. Measurable duration = Measure.valueOf(2, MINUTE); // Ok. Measurable duration = Measure.valueOf(2, CELSIUS); // Compile error. long milliseconds = duration.longValue(MILLI(SECOND)); // Ok. long milliseconds = duration.longValue(POUND); // Compile error. [/code]

UML Diagram

UML Diagram
  • Class
    This class represents the units used in expressions to distinguish between quantities of a different nature but of the same dimensions.
    BaseUnit<Q extends Quantity>
    This class represents the building blocks on top of which all others units are created.
    This class represents the multi-radix units (such as "hour:min:sec").
    This class identifies the units created by combining or transforming other units.
    This class represents the dimension of an unit.
    This interface represents the mapping between base units and dimensions.
    This class contains units that are not part of the International System of Units, that is, they are outside the SI, but are important and widely used.
    This class represents units formed by the product of rational powers of existing units.
    This class contains SI (Système International d'Unités) base units, and derived units.
    This class represents a system of units, it groups units together for historical or cultural reasons.
    This class represents the units derived from other units using converters.
    Unit<Q extends Quantity>
    This class represents a determinate quantity (as of length, time, heat, or value) adopted as a standard of measurement.
    This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing units.
    This class represents the ASCIIFormat format.
    This class represents the standard format.