Package org.opt4j.config.annotations

package org.opt4j.config.annotations
Provides the classes for the annotations for the modules.
  • Annotation Interfaces
    The Category annotation marks a class as a category.
    The File annotation marks a String property as a file such that the String can be changed by a browser.
    The Icon annotation assigns an icon to modules.
    The Ignore annotation can either be used for modules or properties such that these are ignored in the Configurator.
    The Info annotation contains textual information about a module or property.
    The Multi annotation marks a Module.
    The Name annotation assigns a user defined name to a module or property.
    The Order annotation assigns a user defined order to properties of a module.
    The Panel annotation allows the definition of a custom panel for a module.
    The Parent annotation assigns a module an explicit parent category.
    The Required annotation defines dependencies between the properties.