Class InitialPointsOfRequestDataManager

  • public class InitialPointsOfRequestDataManager
    extends Object
    This manager is used to store the initial points of an edge before the feedback is used. These initial points are stored in the request.
    The method #storeInitialPointsInRequest(LocationRequest, ConnectionEditPart, Connection) must be called in the corresponding policy before drawing the feedback.
    And the method eraseInitialPoints(Connection) must be called at the end of the feedback drawing (eraseConnection*Feedback methods of Policy classes).
    • Constructor Detail

      • InitialPointsOfRequestDataManager

        public InitialPointsOfRequestDataManager()
    • Method Detail

      • storeInitialPointsInRequest

        public void storeInitialPointsInRequest​(org.eclipse.gef.requests.LocationRequest request,
                                                org.eclipse.gef.ConnectionEditPart connectionEditPart)
        Store the initial points of the edge in the request (before feedback drawing). This data can be used later for computing the location of the labels of this edge in the command construction.
        This method also set the feedback data of the EdgeLabelLocator of the labels of the current connection to correctly draw the label feedback during the label move.
        request - the request in which to store the original points of the edge.
        connectionEditPart - the editPart of the edge
      • eraseInitialPoints

        public void eraseInitialPoints​(org.eclipse.draw2d.Connection connection)
        Reset the initial points stored in this manager and also erase the feedback data from all the EdgeLabelLocator of the labels of the current connection.
        connection - The connection from which to erase feedback data
      • getOriginalPoints

        public static org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.PointList getOriginalPoints​(org.eclipse.gef.requests.LocationRequest request)
        Get the initial points list of the edge stored in the request.
        request - The request to query
        the original points list or null if no original points are stored in this request.