Class XtextStyledTextCellEditorEx

    • Constructor Detail

      • XtextStyledTextCellEditorEx

        public XtextStyledTextCellEditorEx​(int style,
                                           IXtextFakeContextResourcesProvider contextResourcesProvider)
      • XtextStyledTextCellEditorEx

        public XtextStyledTextCellEditorEx​(int style,
    • Method Detail

      • setValueAndProcessEditOccured

        public void setValueAndProcessEditOccured​(Object value)
        This will be used when an edit has occurred by a ModifyEvent has been been send. Will call #setValue(Object) but will also call editOccured(null) to make sure that the dirty flag is set probably and that any listeners are informed about the changed.
        value - Value to set the cell editor to. Note: This happens address defect RATLC00522324. For our topgraphical edit parts we delegate the direct edit request to a primary edit part and set focus on that. The issue is that if the user has typed in an initial character when setting focus to the edit part, which typically is a TextCompartmentEditPart then setting that initial value does not fire the necessary change events that need to occur in order for that value to be recognized. If you don't use this method then the result is that if you just type in the initial character and that is it then the text compartment loses focus then the value will not be saved. This is because setting the value of the cell doesn't think its value has changed since the first character is not recognized as a change.
      • doSetValue

        protected void doSetValue​(Object value)
        Description copied from class: StyledTextCellEditor
        The TextCellEditor implementation of this CellEditor framework method accepts a text string (type String).
        doSetValue in class XtextStyledTextCellEditor
        value - a text string (type String)
      • hasValueChanged

        public boolean hasValueChanged()
        boolean value specifying whether or not the value has been changed
      • isDeactivationLocked

        public boolean isDeactivationLocked()
        Returns true if deactivation has been locked
      • setDeactivationLock

        public void setDeactivationLock​(boolean deactivationLock)
        Sets deactivation lock so that the cell editor does not perform deactivate
        deactivationLock -