Class AttackerActionBarContributor

    • Field Detail

      • activeEditorPart

        protected IEditorPart activeEditorPart
        This keeps track of the active editor.
        Generated class or method.
      • selectionProvider

        protected ISelectionProvider selectionProvider
        This keeps track of the current selection provider.
        Generated class or method.
      • showPropertiesViewAction

        protected IAction showPropertiesViewAction
        This action opens the Properties view.
        Generated class or method.
      • refreshViewerAction

        protected IAction refreshViewerAction
        This action refreshes the viewer of the current editor if the editor implements IViewerProvider.
        Generated class or method.
      • createChildActions

        protected Collection<IAction> createChildActions
        This will contain one CreateChildAction corresponding to each descriptor generated for the current selection by the item provider.
        Generated class or method.
      • createChildMenuManager

        protected IMenuManager createChildMenuManager
        This is the menu manager into which menu contribution items should be added for CreateChild actions.
        Generated class or method.
      • createSiblingActions

        protected Collection<IAction> createSiblingActions
        This will contain one CreateSiblingAction corresponding to each descriptor generated for the current selection by the item provider.
        Generated class or method.
      • createSiblingMenuManager

        protected IMenuManager createSiblingMenuManager
        This is the menu manager into which menu contribution items should be added for CreateSibling actions.
        Generated class or method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AttackerActionBarContributor

        public AttackerActionBarContributor()
        This creates an instance of the contributor.
        Generated class or method.