Interface AttributeRestriction

    • Method Detail

      • doesAttributeMatch

        boolean doesAttributeMatch​(TranslationCache cache,
                                   Attribute attribute)
        Checks whether the given Attribute fulfills the restrictions imposed by this instance. The blackboard is used as cache.
        cache - The TranslatioCache to use for speeding up reoccuring lookups
        attribute - The attribute to check for a match
      • getPredicateForRestriction

        String getPredicateForRestriction​(String attributeVariable)
        Return a prolog goal which represents this exact restriction in Prolog code. For example given the attributeVariable 'A' and teh restriction that this attribute needs to have the type 'mytype', the return code would be 'attributeDataType(A,'mytype')'.
        attributeVariable - The Prolog variable which is used to match the restrictions