Class CallingUserActionSequenceElement

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CallingUserActionSequenceElement extends UserActionSequenceElement<org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.EntryLevelSystemCall> implements CallReturnBehavior
  • Constructor Details

    • CallingUserActionSequenceElement

      public CallingUserActionSequenceElement(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.EntryLevelSystemCall element, boolean isCalling)
      Creates a new User Action Sequence Element with an underlying Palladio Element and indication whether the SEFF Action is calling
      element - Underlying Palladio Element
      isCalling - Is true, when another method is called. Otherwise, a called method is returned from
    • CallingUserActionSequenceElement

      public CallingUserActionSequenceElement(CallingUserActionSequenceElement oldElement, List<DataFlowVariable> dataFlowVariables, List<CharacteristicValue> nodeCharacteristics)
      Constructs a new User Action Sequence element given an old element and a list of updated dataflow variables and node characteristics
      oldElement - Old element, which attributes are copied
      dataFlowVariables - List of updated data flow variables
      nodeCharacteristics - List of updated node characteristics
  • Method Details