Class ForkActionCreator

  • public class ForkActionCreator
    extends GeneralAction
    This class constructs a BranchAction. It is used to create the 'ForkAction' object step-by-step, i.e. 'ForkActionCreator' objects are of intermediate state.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ForkActionCreator

        protected ForkActionCreator​(SeffCreator seff)
    • Method Detail

      • withName

        public ForkActionCreator withName​(String name)
        Description copied from class: Entity
        Defines the unique name of this current entity. Once created entities are referenced by this name. Only entities with a unique name can be fetched from the model.
        withName in class Entity
        this current entity in the making
      • withSynchronousForkedBehaviourAtSynchronisationPoint

        public ForkActionCreator withSynchronousForkedBehaviourAtSynchronisationPoint​(InternalSeff forkedBehaviour)
        Adds the forkedBehaviour to this action's list of synchronous forked behaviours at the synchronization point.
        forkedBehaviour -
        this fork action in the making
        See Also:
      • withResourceDemand

        public ForkActionCreator withResourceDemand​(String specificationStochasticExpression,
                                                    ProcessingResource processingResource)
        Description copied from class: GeneralAction
        Adds a ParametricResourceDemand to this action.

        Parametric Resource Demand specifies the amount of processing requested from a certain type of resource in a parameterized way. It assigns the demand specified as a Random-Variable (specification_stochasticExpression) to an abstract ProcessingResourceType processingResource(e.g., CPU, hard disk) instead of a concrete ProcessingResourceSpecification (e.g., 5 GHz CPU, 20 MByte/s hard disk).

        withResourceDemand in class GeneralAction
        this action in the making
      • withInfrastructureCall

        public ForkActionCreator withInfrastructureCall​(String numberOfCallsStochasticExpression,
                                                        org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.InfrastructureSignature signature,
                                                        org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.InfrastructureRequiredRole requiredRole,
                                                        VariableUsageCreator... variableUsages)
        Description copied from class: GeneralAction
        Adds an InfrastructureCall to this action.
        withInfrastructureCall in class GeneralAction
        this action in the making
      • build

        protected org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ForkAction build()
        Description copied from class: Entity
        Turns the entity in the making into the finished entity.
        Specified by:
        build in class SeffAction
        the finished entity