Class InternalActionCreator

  • public class InternalActionCreator
    extends GeneralAction
    This class constructs a InternalAction. It is used to create the 'InternalAction' object step-by-step, i.e. 'InternalActionCreator' objects are of intermediate state.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • InternalActionCreator

        protected InternalActionCreator​(SeffCreator seff)
    • Method Detail

      • withName

        public InternalActionCreator withName​(String name)
        Description copied from class: Entity
        Defines the unique name of this current entity. Once created entities are referenced by this name. Only entities with a unique name can be fetched from the model.
        withName in class Entity
        this current entity in the making
      • withInternalFailureOccurrenceDescription

        public InternalActionCreator withInternalFailureOccurrenceDescription​(double failureProbability,
                                                                              org.palladiosimulator.pcm.reliability.SoftwareInducedFailureType failureType)
        Creates an internal failure occurrence description with the failure probability failureProbability of the software induced failure type failureType and adds it to this action's list of internal failure occurrence descriptions.
        failureProbability -
        failureType -
        this internal action in the making
        See Also:
      • withResourceDemand

        public InternalActionCreator withResourceDemand​(String specificationStochasticExpression,
                                                        ProcessingResource processingResource)
        Description copied from class: GeneralAction
        Adds a ParametricResourceDemand to this action.

        Parametric Resource Demand specifies the amount of processing requested from a certain type of resource in a parameterized way. It assigns the demand specified as a Random-Variable (specification_stochasticExpression) to an abstract ProcessingResourceType processingResource(e.g., CPU, hard disk) instead of a concrete ProcessingResourceSpecification (e.g., 5 GHz CPU, 20 MByte/s hard disk).

        withResourceDemand in class GeneralAction
        this action in the making
      • withInfrastructureCall

        public InternalActionCreator withInfrastructureCall​(String numberOfCallsStochasticExpression,
                                                            org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.InfrastructureSignature signature,
                                                            org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.InfrastructureRequiredRole requiredRole,
                                                            VariableUsageCreator... variableUsages)
        Description copied from class: GeneralAction
        Adds an InfrastructureCall to this action.
        withInfrastructureCall in class GeneralAction
        this action in the making
      • build

        protected org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.InternalAction build()
        Description copied from class: Entity
        Turns the entity in the making into the finished entity.
        Specified by:
        build in class SeffAction
        the finished entity