Class OperationInterfaceCreator

  • public class OperationInterfaceCreator
    extends Interface
    This class constructs an OperationInterface. It is used to create the 'OperationInterface' object step-by-step, i.e. 'OperationInterfaceCreator' objects are of intermediate state.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • OperationInterfaceCreator

        public OperationInterfaceCreator​(RepositoryCreator repo)
    • Method Detail

      • withName

        public OperationInterfaceCreator withName​(String name)
        Description copied from class: Entity
        Defines the unique name of this current entity. Once created entities are referenced by this name. Only entities with a unique name can be fetched from the model.
        withName in class Entity
        this current entity in the making
      • conforms

        public OperationInterfaceCreator conforms​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.Interface interfce)
        Description copied from class: Interface
        Creates a conforming (parental) connection to the parentInterface and adds it to this interface/event group.

        An existing parentInterface can be fetched from the repository using the org.palladiosimulator.generator.fluent.component.factory, i.e. create.fetchOfInterface(name).

        conforms in class Interface
        this interface/event group in the making
        See Also:
        FluentRepositoryFactory.fetchOfInterface(String), Interface.getParentInterfaces__Interface(), Interface
      • withRequiredCharacterisation

        public OperationInterfaceCreator withRequiredCharacterisation​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.Parameter parameter,
                                                                      org.palladiosimulator.pcm.parameter.VariableCharacterisationType type)
        Description copied from class: Interface
        Creates a RequiredCharacterisation and adds it to the interface/event group.

        A RequiredCharacterisation is a specification of parameters. It increases the power of the interfaces and enables extended interoperability checks.
        The VariableCharacterisationType type offers the values 'STRUCTURE', 'NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS', 'BYTESIZE', 'TYPE', and 'VALUE'.

        An existing parameter from a previously defined signature/event type can be fetched from the repository using the org.palladiosimulator.generator.fluent.component.factory, i.e. create.fetchOfParameter(name) and create.fetchOfParameter(name, signatureContext).

        withRequiredCharacterisation in class Interface
        parameter - that is specified
        type - of the parameter
        this interface/event group in the making
        See Also:
        FluentRepositoryFactory.fetchOfParameter(String), FluentRepositoryFactory.fetchOfParameter(String, org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.Signature)
      • build

        public org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.OperationInterface build()
        Description copied from class: Entity
        Turns the entity in the making into the finished entity.
        Specified by:
        build in class Interface
        the finished entity
      • addOperationSignatures

        protected void addOperationSignatures​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.OperationSignature signature)