Interface RecoverySeff

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface RecoverySeff
    • Method Detail

      • withName

        RecoverySeff withName​(String name)
        Defines the unique name of this recovery behaviour. Once created recovery behaviours are referenced by this name. Only recovery behaviours with a unique name can be fetched from the repository.
        name -
        this recovery behaviour in the making
      • withSeffBehaviour

        StartSeff withSeffBehaviour()
        Specifies the body behaviour of this RecoverActionBehaviour. Every body behaviour starts with a start action followed by an arbitrary amount of other actions. The body behaviour always ends with a stop action and a finishing call on the method createBehaviourNow().
        this recovery behaviour's starting body behaviour
      • withFailureType

        RecoverySeff withFailureType​(Failure failure)
        Adds the failure type failure to this recovery behaviour's occurring failure types.

        A recovery behaviour is failure handling entity i.e. it can handle failures that occur in previous alternatives. If one alternative fails, the next alternative is executed that can handle the failure type. The failure type failure is (one of) the failure type(s) this recovery behaviour can handle.

        A failure can be one of 'HARDWARE_CPU', 'HARDWARE_HDD', 'HARDWARE_DELAY', 'NETWORK_LAN', 'SOFTWARE'.

        failure -
        this recovery behaviour in the making
        See Also:
      • withFailureType

        RecoverySeff withFailureType​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.reliability.FailureType failureType)
        Adds the failure type failure to this recovery behaviour's occurring failure types.

        A recovery behaviour is failure handling entity i.e. it can handle failures that occur in previous alternatives. If one alternative fails, the next alternative is executed that can handle the failure type. The failure type failure is (one of) the failure type(s) this recovery behaviour can handle.

        An existing failureType can be fetched from the repository using the org.palladiosimulator.generator.fluent.component.factory, i.e. create.fetchOfFailureType(name).

        failureType -
        this recovery behaviour in the making
        See Also:
      • withAlternativeRecoveryBehaviour

        RecoverySeff withAlternativeRecoveryBehaviour​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.seff_reliability.RecoveryActionBehaviour recoveryBehaviour)
        Adds an alternative recovery behaviour to this recovery behaviour.

        A recovery action behaviour provides a behaviour and alternatives of recovery behaviours. They are resource demanding behaviours, thus any behaviour can be defined as an alternative. The alternatives of a recovery block form a chain. They are failure handling entities, i.e. they can handle failures that occur in previous alternatives. If one alternative fails, the next alternative is executed that can handle the failure type. The alternatives are referenced by name and have to be previously defined. Thus the chain of alternatives has to be created inversely. The last alternative that has no alternatives itself is created first, so that the second last can reference it as its alternative.

        Previously defined RecoveryActionBehaviours can be fetched from the repository using the org.palladiosimulator.generator.fluent.component.factory, i.e. create.fetchOfRecoveryActionBehaviour(name).

        recoveryBehaviour -
        this recovery behaviour in the making
        See Also:
      • buildRecoveryBehaviour

        org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.seff_reliability.RecoveryActionBehaviour buildRecoveryBehaviour()