Class DataApplication

  • public final class DataApplication
    extends Object
    This class manages the current project and monitorRepository of the workspace which are selected and provides access to all necessary data from this project.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static DataApplication getInstance()
        Get the instance of DataApplication
        instance of DataApplication
      • loadData

        public void loadData​(IProject project,
                             int monitorRepositorySelectionIndex,
                             int sloRepositorySelectionIndex)
        Loads all Palladio component models Models given a project is selected and it has a .aird file(modeling Project nature). Initializes a session corresponding to the project, which is used to load the models. Checks for Monitor-/MeasuringPoint-Repositories and creates them if none exist.
        project - to load data from
        monitorRepositorySelectionIndex - index from the monitorRepository to load
      • updateData

        public void updateData​(int monitorRepositorySelectionIndex,
                               int sloRepositorySelectionIndex)
        Updates the models by reloading them through a new session also reloads the selected monitorRepository
        monitorRepositorySelectionIndex - index from the monitorRepository to load
        sloRepositorySelectionIndex -
      • updateMonitorRepository

        public void updateMonitorRepository​(int selectionIndex)
        Updates the currently selected monitorRepository based on the selectionIndex
        selectionIndex - which monitorRepository should be selected
      • updateSLORepository

        public void updateSLORepository​(int selectionIndex)
      • getModelAccessor

        public ModelAccessor getModelAccessor()
        Returns an instance of ModelAccessor which can be used to access all pcm models after they are loaded
        ModelAccessor instance
      • getValidProjectAccessor

        public ValidProjectAccessor getValidProjectAccessor()
        Returns an instance of the DataGatherer which is responsible for getting projects and paths in the eclipse workbench
        DataGathering instance
      • getProject

        public IProject getProject()
        Returns the project to which the dataApplication is currently connected
        current Project
      • getMonitorRepository

        public org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MonitorRepository getMonitorRepository()
        Returns the selected monitorRepository
      • getSLORepository

        public org.palladiosimulator.servicelevelobjective.ServiceLevelObjectiveRepository getSLORepository()
        Returns the selected sloRepository