Class MetricDescriptionSelectionWizardModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MetricDescriptionSelectionWizardModel
    extends Object
    implements WizardModel
    Provides all methods to edit the MeasurementSpecifications of a monitor in the wizard
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetricDescriptionSelectionWizardModel

        public MetricDescriptionSelectionWizardModel​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor monitor,
                                                     boolean isEditing)
        monitor - the monitor where metricDescriptions will be added or removed
        isEditing - states whether the model edits an existing monitor or creates a new one.
    • Method Detail

      • initUnusedMetrics

        public void initUnusedMetrics​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor usedMonitor,
                                      boolean expertMode)
        unusedMetrics initialized when page is visible, since information from second page is required to correctly initialize the unusedMetrics Monitor.
        usedMonitor -
      • canFinish

        public boolean canFinish()
        Specified by:
        canFinish in interface WizardModel
        true if all necessary attributes are set in order to finish
      • getInfoText

        public String getInfoText()
        Specified by:
        getInfoText in interface WizardModel
        an info text based on the changes made in the model.
      • getUnusedMetricsMonitor

        public org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor getUnusedMetricsMonitor()
        a monitor with all unused metric descriptions
      • getUsedMetricsMonitor

        public org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.Monitor getUsedMetricsMonitor()
        a monitor with all used metric descriptions
      • addMeasurementSpecification

        public void addMeasurementSpecification​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification selectedMeasurementSpecification)
        Adds a MeasurementSpecification with a MetricDescription to the monitor
        selectedMeasurementSpecification - the specification which will be added to the monitor
      • removeMeasurementSpecification

        public void removeMeasurementSpecification​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification selectedMeasurementSpecification)
        Removes a MeasurementSpecifcation with a MetricDescription from the monitor
        selectedMeasurementSpecification - the specification which will be added to the monitor
      • addAllMetricDescriptions

        public void addAllMetricDescriptions()
        Add all unused MetricDescriptions to the monitor
      • removeAllMetricDescriptions

        public void removeAllMetricDescriptions()
        Remove all MetricDescriptions from the monitor
      • moveAllSuggested

        public void moveAllSuggested()
        Moves only the suggested Metric Specs to the monitor.
      • switchTriggerSelfAdapting

        public void switchTriggerSelfAdapting​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification mspec)
        Switches the attribute triggerSelfAdaption of a specific measurementSpecification
        currentValue -
        mspec - the MeasurementSpecification where the triggerSelfAdaptiong attribute will be changed
      • getTextualDescriptionForMetricDescription

        public String getTextualDescriptionForMetricDescription​(org.palladiosimulator.monitorrepository.MeasurementSpecification aMeasurementSpecification)
        Provides the textual description for the metric description of a measurement specification. Used for showing the description of the metric description in the title of the third page.
        aMeasurementSpecification -
        The textual Description in String form