Package org.palladiosimulator.measurementsui.wizardmodel.pages
Class Summary Class Description MeasuringPointSelectionWizardModel MetricDescriptionSelectionWizardModel Provides all methods to edit the MeasurementSpecifications of a monitor in the wizardMonitorCreationWizardModel This class provides provides all necessary data for the first Wizard page, to create or Edit a Monitor.ProcessingTypeSelectionWizardModel Provides all necessary methods for the fourth wizard page.SloCreationWizardModel WizardModel for the creating and editing a Service Level Objective.SloMeasurementSpecSelectionWizardModel WizardModel for the selecting a measurement specification for a Service Level ObjectiveSloThresholdWizardModel WizardModel for the creating and editing thresholds for service level objectives -
Enum Summary Enum Description SloThresholdWizardModel.fuzzyThresholdType