Package edu.kit.ipd.are.dsexplore.featurecompletions.weaver.strategy.adapter
package edu.kit.ipd.are.dsexplore.featurecompletions.weaver.strategy.adapter
ClassesClassDescriptionThe factory returns depending on the connection of the components the adapter is inserted in between the proper subweaving-class in the context of the adapter weaving strategy.This class is responsible for weaving the allocation view-type in the context of the adapter transformation strategy.This class weaves an adapter into a repository where the connection of the components the adapter is inserted in between is an assembly connection.This class returns informations for the SEFF depending on the connection of the components the adapter is inserted in between.This class is responsible to weave the adapter in the system if the connection of the components the adapter is inserted in between is an assembly connection.This class is responsible for weaving the assembly view-type in the context of the adapter transformation strategy.This class weaves
into the currentPCMInstance
as needed.This class is responsible to weave the adapter in the repository depending on the connection of the components the adapter is inserted in between.This class returns informations for the SEFF depending on the connection of the components the adapter is inserted in between.This class is responsible to weave the adapter in the system if the connection of the components the adapter is inserted in between is an provided delegation connection.This class is responsible for weaving the repository view-type in the context of the adapter transformation strategy.This class is responsible for weaving the SEFF of the adapter in the context of the adapter transformation strategy.This class is responsible for weaving the usage model view-type in the context of the adapter transformation strategy.