Package edu.kit.ipd.are.dsexplore.featurecompletions.weaver.strategy.behaviour
package edu.kit.ipd.are.dsexplore.featurecompletions.weaver.strategy.behaviour
ClassDescriptionThis class handles weaving of the PCM allocation model.This class handles weaving of the PCM assembly/system model.Factory class for providing the proper (SEFF) weaving implementation depending on the placement strategy.Models a Behaviour weaving instruction.This is the central class handling the Behaviour weaving mechanism.This class handles weaving of the PCM repository model specifically for the control flow placement strategy.Models an control flow weaving location; that is a component in which a FC will be added to all control flows.This class handles weaving of the PCM repository model specifically for the external call placement strategy.Models an external call weaving location; that is a signature/connector at which a fc will be added.This class handles weaving of the PCM repository model specifically for the internal action placement strategy.Models an internal action weaving location; that is a component in which a fc will be added to all internal actions.Interface for all weaving instructions.Super type for all weaving locations.This class handles weaving of the PCM repository model.This class handles weaving of the PCM abstract behavior description model (SEFF).This class handles weaving of the PCM usage model.