Package scheduler.configuration
Interface ConfigurationFactory
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
The Factory for the model.
It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final ConfigurationFactory
The singleton instance of the factory. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns a new object of class 'Active Resource Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Dynamic Priority Boost Configuratioin'.Returns a new object of class 'Load Balancing'.Returns a new object of class 'Multiple Queue Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Passive Resource Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Preemption Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Priority Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Priority Dependent Time Slice Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Priority Range'.Returns a new object of class 'Process Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Quantum Time Slice Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Scheduler Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Single Queue Configuration'.Returns a new object of class 'Starvation Boost'.Returns a new object of class 'Static Priority Boost'.Returns a new object of class 'Static Priority Boost Configuration'.Returns the package supported by this factory.Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory
convertToString, create, createFromString, getEPackage, setEPackage
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement
getEAnnotation, getEAnnotations
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
Field Details
The singleton instance of the factory.- Generated class or method.
Method Details
DynamicPriorityBoostConfiguratioin createDynamicPriorityBoostConfiguratioin()Returns a new object of class 'Dynamic Priority Boost Configuratioin'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Dynamic Priority Boost Configuratioin'.
- Generated class or method.
LoadBalancing createLoadBalancing()Returns a new object of class 'Load Balancing'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Load Balancing'.
- Generated class or method.
MultipleQueueConfiguration createMultipleQueueConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Multiple Queue Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Multiple Queue Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
QuantumTimeSliceConfiguration createQuantumTimeSliceConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Quantum Time Slice Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Quantum Time Slice Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
PreemptionConfiguration createPreemptionConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Preemption Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Preemption Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
PriorityConfiguration createPriorityConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Priority Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Priority Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
PriorityRange createPriorityRange()Returns a new object of class 'Priority Range'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Priority Range'.
- Generated class or method.
PriorityDependentTimeSliceConfiguration createPriorityDependentTimeSliceConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Priority Dependent Time Slice Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Priority Dependent Time Slice Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
ActiveResourceConfiguration createActiveResourceConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Active Resource Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Active Resource Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
PassiveResourceConfiguration createPassiveResourceConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Passive Resource Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Passive Resource Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
StaticPriorityBoost createStaticPriorityBoost()Returns a new object of class 'Static Priority Boost'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Static Priority Boost'.
- Generated class or method.
ProcessConfiguration createProcessConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Process Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Process Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
SingleQueueConfiguration createSingleQueueConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Single Queue Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Single Queue Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
StaticPriorityBoostConfiguration createStaticPriorityBoostConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Static Priority Boost Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Static Priority Boost Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
SchedulerConfiguration createSchedulerConfiguration()Returns a new object of class 'Scheduler Configuration'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Scheduler Configuration'.
- Generated class or method.
StarvationBoost createStarvationBoost()Returns a new object of class 'Starvation Boost'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Starvation Boost'.
- Generated class or method.
ConfigurationPackage getConfigurationPackage()Returns the package supported by this factory.- Returns:
- the package supported by this factory.
- Generated class or method.