Class GeneratedFile<L extends ICompilationUnit>

    • Field Detail

      • injector

        protected injector
      • fsa

        protected org.eclipse.xtext.generator.AbstractFileSystemAccess2 fsa
        File System Access used for storing this file.
      • provider

        protected L extends ICompilationUnit provider
        Provider for this compilation unit. Providers need to implement the language interface, since these are used for delegation. TODO: Add (Xtend) annotations which generate the boilerplate code for provider delegation. e.g. @Provided
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneratedFile

        public GeneratedFile()
    • Method Detail

      • createFor

        public GeneratedFile<L> createFor​(L concept)
        Inject the provider for this generated file.
      • generate

        public abstract String generate()
        Generate the source code for this compilation unit.
      • store

        public void store()
        Store the generated file using Xtext/Xtend file system access.