Class CalibrationTable

  • public class CalibrationTable
    extends Object
    Class representing the calibration table. Stores a collection of calibration entries.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE
        Default number of tuples to store in the calibration table
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • table

        protected org.palladiosimulator.protocom.resourcestrategies.activeresource.CalibrationEntry[] table
    • Constructor Detail

      • CalibrationTable

        public CalibrationTable()
        Private constructor. Used when created by loading an existing calibration table.
      • CalibrationTable

        public CalibrationTable​(int tableSize)
        Constructor. New calibration table with given size.
        tableSize - size of the calibration table
    • Method Detail

      • load

        public static CalibrationTable load​(File configFile)
        Loads calibration from config file
        The loaded calibration file or null if the file could not be loaded
      • save

        public void save​(File configFile)
        Saves calibration to config file. Config file uses a Java object stream to serialise the calibration table.
      • toBinary

        public byte[] toBinary()
        Serializes the calibration table to a byte array.
        a byte array containing the serialized calibration table
      • fromBinary

        public static CalibrationTable fromBinary​(byte[] binary)
        Creates a calibration table from a byte array.
        binary - a byte array containing the serialized calibration table
        a new CalibrationTable object
      • getEntry

        public org.palladiosimulator.protocom.resourcestrategies.activeresource.CalibrationEntry getEntry​(int entryNumber)
        Returns the calibration entry for given number.
        entryNumber -
      • addEntry

        public void addEntry​(int entryNumber,
                             org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Duration> targetTime,
                             long parameter)
        Creates a new calibration entry.
        entryNumber - entry number (position in table)
        targetTime -
        parameter -
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the size of the calibration table.