Class MarkovFailureType

    • Field Detail

      • evaluationType

        protected MarkovEvaluationType evaluationType
        The degree of differentiation between failure types.
      • DEFAULT_ID

        protected static String DEFAULT_ID
        A default id for new failure types.

        protected static String DEFAULT_NAME
        A default name for new failure types.
      • id

        protected String id
        The ID of this failure type. The ID is unique across all failure types within an analysis or simulation run.
      • interfaceId

        protected String interfaceId
        The id of the (system-required) interface which exhibits the failure.
      • interfaceName

        protected String interfaceName
        The name of the (system-required) interface which exhibits the failure.
      • name

        protected String name
        The human-readable name of this failure type.
      • roleId

        protected String roleId
        The id of the (system-required) role which exhibits the failure.
      • roleName

        protected String roleName
        The name of the (system-required) role which exhibits the failure.
      • signatureId

        protected String signatureId
        The id of the (system-required) signature which exhibits the failure.
      • signatureName

        protected String signatureName
        The name of the (system-required) signature which exhibits the failure.
      • systemExternal

        protected boolean systemExternal
        Indicates if this failure type is system-external, i.e. originated outside the system. By default, failure types are instantiated as being internal.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarkovFailureType

        public MarkovFailureType()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Retrieves the ID of this failure type.
        the ID of this failure type
      • getInterfaceId

        public String getInterfaceId()
        Retrieves the id of the (system-required) interface which exhibits the failure.
        the interface id
      • getInterfaceName

        public String getInterfaceName()
        Retrieves the name of the (system-required) interface which exhibits the failure.
        the interface name
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Retrieves a name of this failure type. The name is used for describing the failure type in the simulation result data.
        the name of this failure type.
      • getRoleId

        public String getRoleId()
        Retrieves the id of the (system-required) role which exhibits the failure.
        the role id
      • getRoleName

        public String getRoleName()
        Retrieves the name of the (system-required) role which exhibits the failure.
        the role name
      • getSignatureId

        public String getSignatureId()
        Retrieves the id of the (system-required) signature which exhibits the failure.
        the signature id
      • getSignatureName

        public String getSignatureName()
        Retrieves the name of the (system-required) signature which exhibits the failure.
        the signature name
      • isSystemExternal

        public boolean isSystemExternal()
        Indicates if this failure type is system-external, i.e. originated outside the system.