AbstractScheduledResource |
Base class of all resources which have their own scheduler, i.e., active
resources in the PCM.
AbstractSimulatedResourceContainer |
Base class for simulated resource container.
CalculatorHelper |
Offers static methods to setup different types of calculators for resources like
AbstractScheduledResource and IPassiveResource .
DemandModificationDTO |
DemandModifyingBehavior |
A DemandModifyingBehavior has a scalingFactor for the throughput or
processingrate of the resource and a value for the delay or latency.
HashMapAssemblyAllocationLookup<AllocationType> |
Provides a simple implementation of the interface based on HashMap.
HDDResource |
Active resource representing a HDD resource with separate processing rate for write and read
speed in Bytes.
PassiveResourceTimeoutEvent |
This event indicates a timeout of a process waiting at a passive resource.
ResourceFailedEvent |
Represents a failure of an AbstractScheduledResource.
ResourceRepairedEvent |
Represents a repair of an AbstractScheduledResource after a failure.
ScheduledResource |
SchedulingStrategy |
SimSimpleFairPassiveResource |
Simulates a simple passive resource.
SimuComExtensionResource |
SimulatedLinkingResource |
Realizes a LinkingResource.
SimulatedLinkingResourceContainer |
TODO Add original author
SimulatedResourceContainer |
TODO Get rid of heavy argument passing.