Class DemandModifyingBehavior

  • public class DemandModifyingBehavior
    extends Object
    A DemandModifyingBehavior has a scalingFactor for the throughput or processingrate of the resource and a value for the delay or latency. AbstractScheduledResources use this behavior to modify the demand of time units for a computation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DemandModifyingBehavior

        public DemandModifyingBehavior​(String scalingFactor,
                                       String delay)
        scalingFactor - value for scaling throughput or processingrate
        delay - value for delay or latency of the resource
    • Method Detail

      • modifyDemand

        public DemandModificationDTO modifyDemand​(double previousDemand)
        Scales a demand with the scalingFactor (newDemand = prevDemand / scalingFactor). Returns the scaled demand and an additive demand of time units (delay, latency).
        previousDemand -
        A Demand Modification Data Transfer Object which store the two values.