Class SimulationTimeEvaluationScope

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SimulationTimeEvaluationScope
    extends de.fzi.power.interpreter.AbstractEvaluationScope
    This class is an implementation of an evaluation scope to gather utilization measurements required for power consumption measurements at runtime, i.e., during runs of SimuLizar.
    In the current implementation, the utilization is evaluated for all ProcessingResourceSpecifications that are supplied by a given PowerProvidingEntity. That is, the utilization of a ProcessingResourceSpecification is evaluated if it corresponds to PowerConsumingResource subsumed by the given PowerProvidingEntity. In order to keep track of new measurements (i.e., to obtain a new power consumption measurement) client have to attach themselves by calling
    See Also:
    SimulationTimePowerCalculator, ISimulationEvaluationScopeListener