Class QVTOExecutor

  • public class QVTOExecutor
    extends AbstractQVTOExecutor
    QVTo executor helper class that supports executing QVTo reconfiguration rules.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QVTOExecutor

        public QVTOExecutor​(ModelTransformationCache knownTransformations,
                            QVToModelCache knownModels)
        Initializes a new instance of the QVTOExecutor class.
        knownTransformations - An TransformationCache which contains all transformation that can be executed by this instance, might be empty.
        knownModels - A QVToModelCache that contains all models that can serve as a transformation parameter.
    • Method Detail

      • executeTransformations

        public boolean executeTransformations​(List<QvtoModelTransformation> transformations,