Class ExecutionContextKeeper

  • public final class ExecutionContextKeeper
    extends Object
    Utility class, realized as a singleton, to maintain associations between ExecutionContext s and SimuComSimProcesses. More precisely, the ExecutionContext of any AdaptationBehavior that is executed asynchronously (i.e., one of its AdaptationBehavior#executeAsync(org.palladiosimulator.simulizar.action.instance.RoleSet) methods has been called) is maintained here together with the simulation processed which executes the behavior.
    • Method Detail

      • getProcessForContext

        public Optional<de.uka.ipd.sdq.simucomframework.SimuComSimProcess> getProcessForContext​(ExecutionContext context)
        Gets the simulation process that is associated with the given context.
        context - An ExecutionContext instance.
        A (potentially empty) Optional that holds the found SimuComSimProcess .
        NullPointerException - In case context == null.