Class EntityReference<EntityType extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity>

Type Parameters:
EntityType - the type of the referenced model entity.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
LinkingResourceReference, ResourceContainerReference, UsageScenarioReference

public class EntityReference<EntityType extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> extends Object implements InterpretableLocationReference
The entity reference class serves as a type safe model element pointer. As the blackboard partitions reflect the current state of the global model at the point in time when the interpretation started, there can be several model element instances pointing to the same entity. Storing model elements directly can lead to memory leaks, as older resource sets which are not referenced by interpreters anymore are not properly cleaned up. The entity model reference allows to access the model element directly given a PCMResourceSetPartition. It encapsulates the required lookup logic. Once a lookup is done, the model element is cached, but may be cleaned up by the garbage collector. Using an entity reference has the advantage of giving some semantics and type-safety to a Identifier.getId(). It can be stored, and checked for equality using Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode(). NOTE: In order to provide a more efficient model element lookup mechanism a specialized implementation can be provided. The default behavior is to check the ID of every single Entity in the provided partition until a suitable match is found.
  • Method Details

    • getModelElement

      public EntityType getModelElement(org.palladiosimulator.analyzer.workflow.core.blackboard.PCMResourceSetPartition partition)
      Gets the model element of the referenced entity from the given resource set partition.
    • getModelElementIfPresent

      public Optional<EntityType> getModelElementIfPresent(org.palladiosimulator.analyzer.workflow.core.blackboard.PCMResourceSetPartition partition)
      Gets the model element of the referenced entity from the given resource set partition.
    • getId

      public String getId()
    • retrieveModelElements

      protected Iterator<EntityType> retrieveModelElements(org.palladiosimulator.analyzer.workflow.core.blackboard.PCMResourceSetPartition partition)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • isLocationIdentifiedBy

      public boolean isLocationIdentifiedBy(EntityReference<?>... entityReferences)
      Description copied from interface: InterpretableLocationReference
      Checks whether the referenced location is represented by the union of the provided references.
      Specified by:
      isLocationIdentifiedBy in interface InterpretableLocationReference
      true, if the location is the same
    • getLocationIdentifier

      public String getLocationIdentifier()
      Description copied from interface: InterpretableLocationReference
      Provides an identifier, which is derived based on all of the representing entities. The identifier can be used as a lookup key for storing related elements is hash map like data structs.
      Specified by:
      getLocationIdentifier in interface InterpretableLocationReference
      a stable identifier, uniquely determined based on the representing elements.