Class DeferredMeasurementInitialization

  • public abstract class DeferredMeasurementInitialization
    extends Object
    This facade allows to defer registrations for measurements which are initialized lazily during simulation. Currently it depends on the existence of a RegisterCalculatorFactoryDecorator to which a listener for new calculators is attached.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeferredMeasurementInitialization

        public DeferredMeasurementInitialization()
    • Method Detail

      • forCalculatorFactoryDecorator

        public static DeferredMeasurementInitialization forCalculatorFactoryDecorator​(org.palladiosimulator.probeframework.calculator.RegisterCalculatorFactoryDecorator factory)
        Returns the facade to be used to defer recorder registrations. This operation ensures, that there is only one registration facade per RegisterCalculatorFactoryDecorator.
        the - decorated calculator factory.
        the appropriate registration facade.
      • onMetricDescriptionAndMeasuringPoint

        public abstract void onMetricDescriptionAndMeasuringPoint​(org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription desc,
                                                                  org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint mp,
                                                                  Supplier<org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.listener.IMeasurementSourceListener> supplier)
        Registers a provider of an IMeasurementSourceListener. The listener is requested once a calculator which fits to desc and mp is registered. If the calculator is already registered, the provider is requested directly. If desc is of type BaseMetricDescription, the provided listener will also be registered if a calculator provides measurements which contain the BaseMetricDescription.
        desc - The metric description of the measurements produced by the required calculator.
        mp - The measuring point of the measurements produced by the required calculator
        supplier - A provider of the listener, e. g. a chained recorder.