Interface ILinkingResourceRouter<NodeType,​LinkType>

  • Type Parameters:
    NodeType - The type of the nodes
    LinkType - The tyoe of the links
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ILinkingResourceRouter<NodeType,​LinkType>
    A linking resource router determines the connection between two nodes.
    • Method Detail

      • findRoute

        Optional<Iterable<LinkType>> findRoute​(NodeType transmissionSource,
                                               NodeType transmissionTarget)
        Determines a series of links between transmissionSource and transmissionTarget.
        transmissionSource - the node where the transmission is originating
        transmissionTarget - the target node of the transmission
        an Optional of an Iterable of links if there is a route between the nodes. The iterable may be empty, e. g. if source equals target. If there is no route between source and target an empty optional is returned.