Interface LqnFactory

All Superinterfaces:
EFactory, EModelElement, EObject, Notifier
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LqnFactory extends EFactory
The Factory for the model. It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model.
See Also:
Generated class or method.
  • Field Details


      static final LqnFactory eINSTANCE
      The singleton instance of the factory.
      Generated class or method.
  • Method Details

    • createActivityDefBase

      ActivityDefBase createActivityDefBase()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Def Base'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Def Base'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityDefType

      ActivityDefType createActivityDefType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Def Type'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Def Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityGraphBase

      ActivityGraphBase createActivityGraphBase()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Graph Base'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Graph Base'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityListType

      ActivityListType createActivityListType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity List Type'.
      a new object of class 'Activity List Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityLoopListType

      ActivityLoopListType createActivityLoopListType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Loop List Type'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Loop List Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityLoopType

      ActivityLoopType createActivityLoopType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Loop Type'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Loop Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityMakingCallType

      ActivityMakingCallType createActivityMakingCallType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Making Call Type'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Making Call Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityOrType

      ActivityOrType createActivityOrType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Or Type'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Or Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityPhasesType

      ActivityPhasesType createActivityPhasesType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Phases Type'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Phases Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createActivityType

      ActivityType createActivityType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Activity Type'.
      a new object of class 'Activity Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createAndJoinListType

      AndJoinListType createAndJoinListType()
      Returns a new object of class 'And Join List Type'.
      a new object of class 'And Join List Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createAsynchCallType

      AsynchCallType createAsynchCallType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Asynch Call Type'.
      a new object of class 'Asynch Call Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createBindType

      BindType createBindType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Bind Type'.
      a new object of class 'Bind Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createCallListType

      CallListType createCallListType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Call List Type'.
      a new object of class 'Call List Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createDocumentRoot

      DocumentRoot createDocumentRoot()
      Returns a new object of class 'Document Root'.
      a new object of class 'Document Root'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createEntryActivityDefType

      EntryActivityDefType createEntryActivityDefType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Entry Activity Def Type'.
      a new object of class 'Entry Activity Def Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createEntryActivityGraph

      EntryActivityGraph createEntryActivityGraph()
      Returns a new object of class 'Entry Activity Graph'.
      a new object of class 'Entry Activity Graph'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createEntryMakingCallType

      EntryMakingCallType createEntryMakingCallType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Entry Making Call Type'.
      a new object of class 'Entry Making Call Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createEntryType

      EntryType createEntryType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Entry Type'.
      a new object of class 'Entry Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createFanInType

      FanInType createFanInType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Fan In Type'.
      a new object of class 'Fan In Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createFanOutType

      FanOutType createFanOutType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Fan Out Type'.
      a new object of class 'Fan Out Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createFirstPlotType

      FirstPlotType createFirstPlotType()
      Returns a new object of class 'First Plot Type'.
      a new object of class 'First Plot Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createGroupType

      GroupType createGroupType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Group Type'.
      a new object of class 'Group Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createHistogramBinType

      HistogramBinType createHistogramBinType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Histogram Bin Type'.
      a new object of class 'Histogram Bin Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createInPortType

      InPortType createInPortType()
      Returns a new object of class 'In Port Type'.
      a new object of class 'In Port Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createInterfaceType

      InterfaceType createInterfaceType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Interface Type'.
      a new object of class 'Interface Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createLqnCoreType

      LqnCoreType createLqnCoreType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Core Type'.
      a new object of class 'Core Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createLqnModelType

      LqnModelType createLqnModelType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Model Type'.
      a new object of class 'Model Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createMakingCallType

      MakingCallType createMakingCallType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Making Call Type'.
      a new object of class 'Making Call Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createMvaInfoType

      MvaInfoType createMvaInfoType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Mva Info Type'.
      a new object of class 'Mva Info Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createOrListType

      OrListType createOrListType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Or List Type'.
      a new object of class 'Or List Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createOutPortType

      OutPortType createOutPortType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Out Port Type'.
      a new object of class 'Out Port Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createOutputDistributionType

      OutputDistributionType createOutputDistributionType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Output Distribution Type'.
      a new object of class 'Output Distribution Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createOutputEntryDistributionType

      OutputEntryDistributionType createOutputEntryDistributionType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Output Entry Distribution Type'.
      a new object of class 'Output Entry Distribution Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createOutputResultJoinDelayType

      OutputResultJoinDelayType createOutputResultJoinDelayType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Output Result Join Delay Type'.
      a new object of class 'Output Result Join Delay Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createOutputResultType

      OutputResultType createOutputResultType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Output Result Type'.
      a new object of class 'Output Result Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createParameterType

      ParameterType createParameterType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Parameter Type'.
      a new object of class 'Parameter Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createParaType

      ParaType createParaType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Para Type'.
      a new object of class 'Para Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createPhaseActivities

      PhaseActivities createPhaseActivities()
      Returns a new object of class 'Phase Activities'.
      a new object of class 'Phase Activities'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createPlotControlType

      PlotControlType createPlotControlType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Plot Control Type'.
      a new object of class 'Plot Control Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createPlotType

      PlotType createPlotType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Plot Type'.
      a new object of class 'Plot Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createPortBindingType

      PortBindingType createPortBindingType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Port Binding Type'.
      a new object of class 'Port Binding Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createPragmaType

      PragmaType createPragmaType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Pragma Type'.
      a new object of class 'Pragma Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createPrecedenceType

      PrecedenceType createPrecedenceType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Precedence Type'.
      a new object of class 'Precedence Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createProcessorBindingType

      ProcessorBindingType createProcessorBindingType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Processor Binding Type'.
      a new object of class 'Processor Binding Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createProcessorType

      ProcessorType createProcessorType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Processor Type'.
      a new object of class 'Processor Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createReplyActivityType

      ReplyActivityType createReplyActivityType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Reply Activity Type'.
      a new object of class 'Reply Activity Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createReplyEntryType

      ReplyEntryType createReplyEntryType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Reply Entry Type'.
      a new object of class 'Reply Entry Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createResultConf95Type

      ResultConf95Type createResultConf95Type()
      Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type'.
      a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createResultConf95Type1

      ResultConf95Type1 createResultConf95Type1()
      Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type1'.
      a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type1'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createResultConf99Type

      ResultConf99Type createResultConf99Type()
      Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type'.
      a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createResultConf99Type1

      ResultConf99Type1 createResultConf99Type1()
      Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type1'.
      a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type1'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createResultGeneralType

      ResultGeneralType createResultGeneralType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Result General Type'.
      a new object of class 'Result General Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createRunControlType

      RunControlType createRunControlType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Run Control Type'.
      a new object of class 'Run Control Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createServiceType

      ServiceType createServiceType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Service Type'.
      a new object of class 'Service Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createSingleActivityListType

      SingleActivityListType createSingleActivityListType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Single Activity List Type'.
      a new object of class 'Single Activity List Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createSlotType

      SlotType createSlotType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Slot Type'.
      a new object of class 'Slot Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createSolverParamsType

      SolverParamsType createSolverParamsType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Solver Params Type'.
      a new object of class 'Solver Params Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createSynchCallType

      SynchCallType createSynchCallType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Synch Call Type'.
      a new object of class 'Synch Call Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createTaskActivityGraph

      TaskActivityGraph createTaskActivityGraph()
      Returns a new object of class 'Task Activity Graph'.
      a new object of class 'Task Activity Graph'.
      Generated class or method.
    • createTaskType

      TaskType createTaskType()
      Returns a new object of class 'Task Type'.
      a new object of class 'Task Type'.
      Generated class or method.
    • getLqnPackage

      LqnPackage getLqnPackage()
      Returns the package supported by this factory.
      the package supported by this factory.
      Generated class or method.