Interface ExpressionPackage

All Superinterfaces:
EModelElement, ENamedElement, EObject, EPackage, Notifier
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ExpressionPackage extends EPackage
The Package for the model. It contains accessors for the meta objects to represent
  • each class,
  • each feature of each class,
  • each enum,
  • and each data type
See Also:
Generated class or method.
EMF model class or method.
  • Field Details

    • eNAME

      static final String eNAME
      The package name.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • eNS_URI

      static final String eNS_URI
      The package namespace URI.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • eNS_PREFIX

      static final String eNS_PREFIX
      The package namespace name.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final ExpressionPackage eINSTANCE
      The singleton instance of the package.
      Generated class or method.

      static final int EXPRESSION
      The meta object id for the ' Expression' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int EXPRESSION_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Expression' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int TERMINAL
      The meta object id for the ' Terminal' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int TERMINAL_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Terminal' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.
    • SYMBOL

      static final int SYMBOL
      The meta object id for the ' Symbol' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int SYMBOL__NAME
      The feature id for the 'Name' attribute.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int SYMBOL__RESOURCE_USAGES
      The feature id for the 'Resource Usages' containment reference list.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int SYMBOL_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Symbol' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int OPERATION
      The meta object id for the ' Operation' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int OPERATION_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Operation' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int SEQUENCE
      The meta object id for the ' Sequence' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int SEQUENCE__LEFT_REG_EXP
      The feature id for the 'Left Reg Exp' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int SEQUENCE__RIGHT_REG_EXP
      The feature id for the 'Right Reg Exp' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int SEQUENCE_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Sequence' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int RELEASE
      The meta object id for the ' Release' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int RELEASE__RESOURCE
      The feature id for the 'Resource' reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int RELEASE_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Release' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int PARALLEL
      The meta object id for the ' Parallel' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int PARALLEL__LEFT_TASK
      The feature id for the 'Left Task' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int PARALLEL__RIGHT_TASK
      The feature id for the 'Right Task' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int PARALLEL_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Parallel' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.
    • OPTION

      static final int OPTION
      The meta object id for the ' Option' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int OPTION__PROBABILITY
      The feature id for the 'Probability' attribute.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int OPTION__REGEXP
      The feature id for the 'Regexp' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int OPTION_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Option' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.
    • LOOP

      static final int LOOP
      The meta object id for the 'Loop' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int LOOP__REG_EXP
      The feature id for the 'Reg Exp' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int LOOP__ITERATIONS_PMF
      The feature id for the 'Iterations PMF' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int LOOP__ITERATIONS_STRING
      The feature id for the 'Iterations String' attribute.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int LOOP_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Loop' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int ALTERNATIVE
      The meta object id for the ' Alternative ' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int ALTERNATIVE__LEFT_OPTION
      The feature id for the 'Left Option' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int ALTERNATIVE__RIGHT_OPTION
      The feature id for the 'Right Option' containment reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int ALTERNATIVE_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Alternative' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int ACQUIRE
      The meta object id for the ' Acquire' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.

      static final int ACQUIRE__RESOURCE
      The feature id for the 'Resource' reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.

      static final int ACQUIRE_FEATURE_COUNT
      The number of structural features of the 'Acquire' class.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      Ordered collection.
  • Method Details

    • getTerminal

      EClass getTerminal()
      Returns the meta object for class ' Terminal'.
      the meta object for class 'Terminal'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getExpression

      EClass getExpression()
      Returns the meta object for class ' Expression'.
      the meta object for class 'Expression'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getSymbol

      EClass getSymbol()
      Returns the meta object for class 'Symbol'.
      the meta object for class 'Symbol'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getSymbol_Name

      EAttribute getSymbol_Name()
      Returns the meta object for the attribute ' Name'.
      the meta object for the attribute 'Name'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getSymbol_ResourceUsages

      EReference getSymbol_ResourceUsages()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference list ' Resource Usages'.
      the meta object for the containment reference list 'Resource Usages'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getSequence

      EClass getSequence()
      Returns the meta object for class ' Sequence'.
      the meta object for class 'Sequence'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getSequence_LeftRegExp

      EReference getSequence_LeftRegExp()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Left Reg Exp'.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Left Reg Exp'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getSequence_RightRegExp

      EReference getSequence_RightRegExp()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Right Reg Exp'.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Right Reg Exp'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getOperation

      EClass getOperation()
      Returns the meta object for class ' Operation'.
      the meta object for class 'Operation'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getRelease

      EClass getRelease()
      Returns the meta object for class 'Release'.
      the meta object for class 'Release'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getRelease_Resource

      EReference getRelease_Resource()
      Returns the meta object for the reference ' Resource'.
      the meta object for the reference 'Resource'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getParallel

      EClass getParallel()
      Returns the meta object for class ' Parallel'.
      the meta object for class 'Parallel'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getParallel_LeftTask

      EReference getParallel_LeftTask()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Left Task'.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Left Task'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getParallel_RightTask

      EReference getParallel_RightTask()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Right Task '.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Right Task'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getOption

      EClass getOption()
      Returns the meta object for class 'Option'.
      the meta object for class 'Option'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getOption_Probability

      EAttribute getOption_Probability()
      Returns the meta object for the attribute ' Probability '.
      the meta object for the attribute 'Probability'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getOption_Regexp

      EReference getOption_Regexp()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Regexp'.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Regexp'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getLoop

      EClass getLoop()
      Returns the meta object for class 'Loop'.
      the meta object for class 'Loop'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getLoop_RegExp

      EReference getLoop_RegExp()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Reg Exp'.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Reg Exp'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getLoop_IterationsPMF

      EReference getLoop_IterationsPMF()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Iterations PMF'.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Iterations PMF'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getLoop_IterationsString

      EAttribute getLoop_IterationsString()
      Returns the meta object for the attribute ' Iterations String'.
      the meta object for the attribute 'Iterations String'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getAlternative

      EClass getAlternative()
      Returns the meta object for class ' Alternative'.
      the meta object for class 'Alternative'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getAlternative_LeftOption

      EReference getAlternative_LeftOption()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Left Option'.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Left Option'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getAlternative_RightOption

      EReference getAlternative_RightOption()
      Returns the meta object for the containment reference ' Right Option'.
      the meta object for the containment reference 'Right Option'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getAcquire

      EClass getAcquire()
      Returns the meta object for class 'Acquire'.
      the meta object for class 'Acquire'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getAcquire_Resource

      EReference getAcquire_Resource()
      Returns the meta object for the reference ' Resource'.
      the meta object for the reference 'Resource'.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getExpressionFactory

      ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory()
      Returns the factory that creates the instances of the model.
      the factory that creates the instances of the model.
      Generated class or method.