Class Rdseff2Lqn

  • public class Rdseff2Lqn
    extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
    Visits one SEFF. An Rdseff2Lqn instance creates a new Rdseff2Lqn instance when visiting an external call, this new one is responsible for the other SEFF. Thus, only information local to this SEFF could be stored as member variables here. Each visitor method (case*) returns the id of the first generated LQN model element, so that it can be used by the handler of the previous model element to connect itself to this successor.
    • Method Detail

      • caseAcquireAction

        public String caseAcquireAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.AcquireAction object)
        Does nothing yet, is ignored and the visitor continues with the successor. Can be implemented with a Semaphore task in LQN. Excerpt from LQN 4.3 documentation: Semaphore Task: Semaphore tasks are used to model passive resources such as buffers. They always have two entries which are used to signal and wait the semaphore. The wait entry must be called using a synchronous request whereas the signal entry can be called using any type of request. Once a request is accepted by the wait entry, no further requests will be accepted until a request is processed by the signal entry. The signal and wait entries do not have to called from a common task. However, the two entries must share a common call graph, and the call graph must be deterministic. The entries themselves can be defined using phases or activies and can make requests to other tasks. Counting semaphores can be modeled using a multiserver.
        caseAcquireAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseReleaseAction

        public String caseReleaseAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ReleaseAction object)
        Does nothing yet, is ignored and the visitor continues with the successor.
        caseReleaseAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseResourceDemandingSEFF

        public String caseResourceDemandingSEFF​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ResourceDemandingSEFF object)
        caseResourceDemandingSEFF in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseLoopAction

        public String caseLoopAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.LoopAction object)
        caseLoopAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseCollectionIteratorAction

        public String caseCollectionIteratorAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.CollectionIteratorAction object)
        caseCollectionIteratorAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseResourceDemandingBehaviour

        public String caseResourceDemandingBehaviour​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ResourceDemandingBehaviour object)
        caseResourceDemandingBehaviour in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseStartAction

        public String caseStartAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.StartAction object)
        caseStartAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseBranchAction

        public String caseBranchAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.BranchAction object)
        caseBranchAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseSetVariableAction

        public String caseSetVariableAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.SetVariableAction object)
        caseSetVariableAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseExternalCallAction

        public String caseExternalCallAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ExternalCallAction object)
        caseExternalCallAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseInternalAction

        public String caseInternalAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.InternalAction object)
        caseInternalAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseStopAction

        public String caseStopAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.StopAction object)
        caseStopAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>
      • caseForkActionOld

        public String caseForkActionOld​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ForkAction object)
      • caseForkAction

        public String caseForkAction​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ForkAction object)
        caseForkAction in class org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.util.SeffSwitch<String>