Package org.palladiosimulator.solver.lqn
Interface LqnFactory
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
The Factory for the model. It provides a create method for each
non-abstract class of the model.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
Field Summary
Fields -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns a new object of class 'Activity Def Base'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity Def Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity Graph Base'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity List Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity Loop List Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity Loop Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity Making Call Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity Or Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity Phases Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Activity Type'.Returns a new object of class 'And Join List Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Asynch Call Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Bind Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Call List Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Document Root'.Returns a new object of class 'Entry Activity Def Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Entry Activity Graph'.Returns a new object of class 'Entry Making Call Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Entry Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Fan In Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Fan Out Type'.Returns a new object of class 'First Plot Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Group Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Histogram Bin Type'.Returns a new object of class 'In Port Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Interface Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Core Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Model Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Making Call Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Mva Info Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Or List Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Out Port Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Output Distribution Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Output Entry Distribution Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Output Result Join Delay Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Output Result Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Parameter Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Para Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Phase Activities'.Returns a new object of class 'Plot Control Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Plot Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Port Binding Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Pragma Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Precedence Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Processor Binding Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Processor Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Reply Activity Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Reply Entry Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type1'.Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type1'.Returns a new object of class 'Result General Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Run Control Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Service Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Single Activity List Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Slot Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Solver Params Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Synch Call Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Task Activity Graph'.Returns a new object of class 'Task Type'.Returns the package supported by this factory.Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory
convertToString, create, createFromString, getEPackage, setEPackage
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement
getEAnnotation, getEAnnotations
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
Field Details
The singleton instance of the factory.- Generated class or method.
Method Details
ActivityDefBase createActivityDefBase()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Def Base'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Def Base'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityDefType createActivityDefType()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Def Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Def Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityGraphBase createActivityGraphBase()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Graph Base'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Graph Base'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityListType createActivityListType()Returns a new object of class 'Activity List Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity List Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityLoopListType createActivityLoopListType()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Loop List Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Loop List Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityLoopType createActivityLoopType()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Loop Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Loop Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityMakingCallType createActivityMakingCallType()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Making Call Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Making Call Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityOrType createActivityOrType()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Or Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Or Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityPhasesType createActivityPhasesType()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Phases Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Phases Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ActivityType createActivityType()Returns a new object of class 'Activity Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Activity Type'.
- Generated class or method.
AndJoinListType createAndJoinListType()Returns a new object of class 'And Join List Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'And Join List Type'.
- Generated class or method.
AsynchCallType createAsynchCallType()Returns a new object of class 'Asynch Call Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Asynch Call Type'.
- Generated class or method.
BindType createBindType()Returns a new object of class 'Bind Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Bind Type'.
- Generated class or method.
CallListType createCallListType()Returns a new object of class 'Call List Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Call List Type'.
- Generated class or method.
DocumentRoot createDocumentRoot()Returns a new object of class 'Document Root'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Document Root'.
- Generated class or method.
EntryActivityDefType createEntryActivityDefType()Returns a new object of class 'Entry Activity Def Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Entry Activity Def Type'.
- Generated class or method.
EntryActivityGraph createEntryActivityGraph()Returns a new object of class 'Entry Activity Graph'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Entry Activity Graph'.
- Generated class or method.
EntryMakingCallType createEntryMakingCallType()Returns a new object of class 'Entry Making Call Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Entry Making Call Type'.
- Generated class or method.
EntryType createEntryType()Returns a new object of class 'Entry Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Entry Type'.
- Generated class or method.
FanInType createFanInType()Returns a new object of class 'Fan In Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Fan In Type'.
- Generated class or method.
FanOutType createFanOutType()Returns a new object of class 'Fan Out Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Fan Out Type'.
- Generated class or method.
FirstPlotType createFirstPlotType()Returns a new object of class 'First Plot Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'First Plot Type'.
- Generated class or method.
GroupType createGroupType()Returns a new object of class 'Group Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Group Type'.
- Generated class or method.
HistogramBinType createHistogramBinType()Returns a new object of class 'Histogram Bin Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Histogram Bin Type'.
- Generated class or method.
InPortType createInPortType()Returns a new object of class 'In Port Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'In Port Type'.
- Generated class or method.
InterfaceType createInterfaceType()Returns a new object of class 'Interface Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Interface Type'.
- Generated class or method.
LqnCoreType createLqnCoreType()Returns a new object of class 'Core Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Core Type'.
- Generated class or method.
LqnModelType createLqnModelType()Returns a new object of class 'Model Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Model Type'.
- Generated class or method.
MakingCallType createMakingCallType()Returns a new object of class 'Making Call Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Making Call Type'.
- Generated class or method.
MvaInfoType createMvaInfoType()Returns a new object of class 'Mva Info Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Mva Info Type'.
- Generated class or method.
OrListType createOrListType()Returns a new object of class 'Or List Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Or List Type'.
- Generated class or method.
OutPortType createOutPortType()Returns a new object of class 'Out Port Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Out Port Type'.
- Generated class or method.
OutputDistributionType createOutputDistributionType()Returns a new object of class 'Output Distribution Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Output Distribution Type'.
- Generated class or method.
OutputEntryDistributionType createOutputEntryDistributionType()Returns a new object of class 'Output Entry Distribution Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Output Entry Distribution Type'.
- Generated class or method.
OutputResultJoinDelayType createOutputResultJoinDelayType()Returns a new object of class 'Output Result Join Delay Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Output Result Join Delay Type'.
- Generated class or method.
OutputResultType createOutputResultType()Returns a new object of class 'Output Result Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Output Result Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ParameterType createParameterType()Returns a new object of class 'Parameter Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Parameter Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ParaType createParaType()Returns a new object of class 'Para Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Para Type'.
- Generated class or method.
PhaseActivities createPhaseActivities()Returns a new object of class 'Phase Activities'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Phase Activities'.
- Generated class or method.
PlotControlType createPlotControlType()Returns a new object of class 'Plot Control Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Plot Control Type'.
- Generated class or method.
PlotType createPlotType()Returns a new object of class 'Plot Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Plot Type'.
- Generated class or method.
PortBindingType createPortBindingType()Returns a new object of class 'Port Binding Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Port Binding Type'.
- Generated class or method.
PragmaType createPragmaType()Returns a new object of class 'Pragma Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Pragma Type'.
- Generated class or method.
PrecedenceType createPrecedenceType()Returns a new object of class 'Precedence Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Precedence Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ProcessorBindingType createProcessorBindingType()Returns a new object of class 'Processor Binding Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Processor Binding Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ProcessorType createProcessorType()Returns a new object of class 'Processor Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Processor Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ReplyActivityType createReplyActivityType()Returns a new object of class 'Reply Activity Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Reply Activity Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ReplyEntryType createReplyEntryType()Returns a new object of class 'Reply Entry Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Reply Entry Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ResultConf95Type createResultConf95Type()Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ResultConf95Type1 createResultConf95Type1()Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type1'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Result Conf95 Type1'.
- Generated class or method.
ResultConf99Type createResultConf99Type()Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ResultConf99Type1 createResultConf99Type1()Returns a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type1'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Result Conf99 Type1'.
- Generated class or method.
ResultGeneralType createResultGeneralType()Returns a new object of class 'Result General Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Result General Type'.
- Generated class or method.
RunControlType createRunControlType()Returns a new object of class 'Run Control Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Run Control Type'.
- Generated class or method.
ServiceType createServiceType()Returns a new object of class 'Service Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Service Type'.
- Generated class or method.
SingleActivityListType createSingleActivityListType()Returns a new object of class 'Single Activity List Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Single Activity List Type'.
- Generated class or method.
SlotType createSlotType()Returns a new object of class 'Slot Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Slot Type'.
- Generated class or method.
SolverParamsType createSolverParamsType()Returns a new object of class 'Solver Params Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Solver Params Type'.
- Generated class or method.
SynchCallType createSynchCallType()Returns a new object of class 'Synch Call Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Synch Call Type'.
- Generated class or method.
TaskActivityGraph createTaskActivityGraph()Returns a new object of class 'Task Activity Graph'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Task Activity Graph'.
- Generated class or method.
TaskType createTaskType()Returns a new object of class 'Task Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Task Type'.
- Generated class or method.
LqnPackage getLqnPackage()Returns the package supported by this factory.- Returns:
- the package supported by this factory.
- Generated class or method.