Package de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction.provider
package de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction.provider
ClassesClassDescriptionThis is the item provider adapter for a
object.This is the item provider adapter for aBoxedPDF
object.This is the item provider adapter for aComplex
object.This is the item provider adapter for aContinuousPDF
object.This is the item provider adapter for aContinuousSample
object.This is the item provider adapter for aDoubleSample
object.This is the item provider adapter for aExponentialDistribution
object.This is the item provider adapter for aGammaDistribution
object.This is the item provider adapter for aIntSample
object.This is the item provider adapter for aLognormalDistribution
object.This is the item provider adapter for aNormalDistribution
object.This is the item provider adapter for aProbabilityDensityFunction
object.This is the central singleton for the ProbabilityFunction edit plugin.The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.This is the item provider adapter for aProbabilityFunction
object.This is the item provider adapter for aProbabilityMassFunction
object.This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.This is the item provider adapter for aSample
object.This is the item provider adapter for aSamplePDF
object.This is the item provider adapter for aStringSample