Class EMFPropertyTextEdit

    • Field Detail

      • editingDomain

        protected org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain
        The transactional editing domain which is used to get the commands and alter the model
    • Constructor Detail

      • EMFPropertyTextEdit

        public EMFPropertyTextEdit​(Composite parentForm,
                                   String labelText,
                                   EStructuralFeature attribute,
                                   TabbedPropertySheetWidgetFactory factory,
                                   EMFPropertyTextEdit predecessor)
        Constructor of the generic EMF edit field
        parentForm - The SWT parent form on which this edit field will be shown
        labelText - The text which is displayed in front of the edit field
        attribute - The EMF feature which is being edited in the edit field
        factory - The widged factory used to create the UI parts
        predecessor - The preceeding edit field - this is used to layout the edit fields on the property tab sheets. Pass in null for the first field
    • Method Detail

      • setEObject

        public void setEObject​(EObject object)
        Initialise this edit field with its model object which is displayed and edited in this text field
        object - Model object which is edited in this text field