Class ExperimentDataAdapterFactory

    • Field Detail

      • modelPackage

        protected static ExperimentDataPackage modelPackage
        The cached model package.
        Generated class or method.
      • modelSwitch

        protected ExperimentDataSwitch<Adapter> modelSwitch
        The switch that delegates to the createXXX methods.
        Generated class or method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExperimentDataAdapterFactory

        public ExperimentDataAdapterFactory()
        Creates an instance of the adapter factory.
        Generated class or method.
    • Method Detail

      • isFactoryForType

        public boolean isFactoryForType​(Object object)
        Returns whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object. This implementation returns true if the object is either the model's package or is an instance object of the model.
        Specified by:
        isFactoryForType in interface AdapterFactory
        isFactoryForType in class AdapterFactoryImpl
        whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object.
        Generated class or method.
      • createAdapter

        public Adapter createAdapter​(Notifier target)
        Creates an adapter for the target.
        createAdapter in class AdapterFactoryImpl
        target - the object to adapt.
        the adapter for the target.
        Generated class or method.
      • createAggregatedMeasurementsAdapter

        public Adapter createAggregatedMeasurementsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Aggregated Measurements'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createMeasurementRangeAdapter

        public Adapter createMeasurementRangeAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Measurement Range'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createPropertyableAdapter

        public Adapter createPropertyableAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Propertyable'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createEStringtoEObjectMapEntryAdapter

        public Adapter createEStringtoEObjectMapEntryAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'EStringto EObject Map Entry'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createRawMeasurementsAdapter

        public Adapter createRawMeasurementsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Raw Measurements'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createDataSeriesAdapter

        public Adapter createDataSeriesAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Data Series'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createNumericalNominalStatisticsAdapter

        public Adapter createNumericalNominalStatisticsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Numerical Nominal Statistics'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createNumericalMassDistributionAdapter

        public Adapter createNumericalMassDistributionAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Numerical Mass Distribution'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createFixedWidthAggregatedMeasurementsAdapter

        public Adapter createFixedWidthAggregatedMeasurementsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Fixed Width Aggregated Measurements'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createFixedIntervalsAdapter

        public Adapter createFixedIntervalsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Fixed Intervals'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createTextualNominalStatisticsAdapter

        public Adapter createTextualNominalStatisticsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Textual Nominal Statistics'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createTextualMassDistributionAdapter

        public Adapter createTextualMassDistributionAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Textual Mass Distribution'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createExperimentGroupAdapter

        public Adapter createExperimentGroupAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Experiment Group'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createExperimentSettingAdapter

        public Adapter createExperimentSettingAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Experiment Setting'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createExperimentRunAdapter

        public Adapter createExperimentRunAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Experiment Run'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createMeasurementAdapter

        public Adapter createMeasurementAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Measurement'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createMeasuringTypeAdapter

        public Adapter createMeasuringTypeAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Measuring Type'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createAggregationStatisticsAdapter

        public Adapter createAggregationStatisticsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Aggregation Statistics'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createDoubleBinaryMeasurementsAdapter

        public Adapter createDoubleBinaryMeasurementsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Double Binary Measurements'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createNumericalIntervalStatisticsAdapter

        public Adapter createNumericalIntervalStatisticsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Numerical Interval Statistics'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createNumericalOrdinalStatisticsAdapter

        public Adapter createNumericalOrdinalStatisticsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Numerical Ordinal Statistics'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createNumericalPercentileAdapter

        public Adapter createNumericalPercentileAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Numerical Percentile'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createJSXmlMeasurementsAdapter

        public Adapter createJSXmlMeasurementsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' JS Xml Measurements'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createLongBinaryMeasurementsAdapter

        public Adapter createLongBinaryMeasurementsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Long Binary Measurements'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createIdentifierBasedMeasurementsAdapter

        public Adapter createIdentifierBasedMeasurementsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Identifier Based Measurements'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createNumericalRatioStatisticsAdapter

        public Adapter createNumericalRatioStatisticsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Numerical Ratio Statistics'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createIJSDurationAdapter

        public Adapter createIJSDurationAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'IJS Duration'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createEComparableAdapter

        public Adapter createEComparableAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'EComparable'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createTextualOrdinalStatisticsAdapter

        public Adapter createTextualOrdinalStatisticsAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Textual Ordinal Statistics'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createRunAdapter

        public Adapter createRunAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Run'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createExperimentGroupRunAdapter

        public Adapter createExperimentGroupRunAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class ' Experiment Group Run'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createIdentifierAdapter

        public Adapter createIdentifierAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for an object of class 'Identifier'. This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
        the new adapter.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • createEObjectAdapter

        public Adapter createEObjectAdapter()
        Creates a new adapter for the default case. This default implementation returns null.
        the new adapter.
        Generated class or method.