Class MeasurementsUtility

  • public class MeasurementsUtility
    extends Object
    This class provides utility functions to handle measurements.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String SLIDING_WINDOW_BASED_MEASUREMENT_TAG_KEY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Boolean SLIDING_WINDOW_BASED_MEASUREMENT_TAG_VALUE
    • Constructor Detail

      • MeasurementsUtility

        public MeasurementsUtility()
    • Method Detail

      • addMeasurementRange

        public static MeasurementRange addMeasurementRange​(Measurement measurement)
        Creates a new MeasurementRange and contained elements if there are already existing elements in another MeasurementRange. Does not set the startTime and endTime properties.
        measurement - Location where to add the range.
        The newly created measurement range.
      • createDAOsForRawMeasurements

        public static void createDAOsForRawMeasurements​(RawMeasurements rm)
        Creates the DAOs for the data series of a raw measurement.
        rm - The raw measurements containing the data series.
      • storeMeasurement

        public static void storeMeasurement​(Measurement measurement,
                                            org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.MeasuringValue measuringValue)
        Stores a new measurement at the last existing range.
        measuringValue - The measurement of the experiment run for which a new measurement exists.
        data - The measurement (data) itself.
      • getMeasurementsDao

        public static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> MeasurementsDao<?,​Q> getMeasurementsDao​(DataSeries ds)
        Requests a DAO for a ordinal measurement. If the DAO does not exists it is created and opened automatically (if possible).
        ds - The data series for which the DAO should be created.
        DAO for ordinal measurements.
      • getMeasuringTypeFromRawMeasurements

        public static MeasuringType getMeasuringTypeFromRawMeasurements​(RawMeasurements rawMeasurements)
      • getMetricDescriptionFromRawMeasurements

        public static org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription getMetricDescriptionFromRawMeasurements​(RawMeasurements rawMeasurements)
      • getTextualBaseMetricDescriptionFromIdentifierMeasurement

        public static org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.TextualBaseMetricDescription getTextualBaseMetricDescriptionFromIdentifierMeasurement​(IdentifierBasedMeasurements idBasedMeasurement)
      • ensureOpenRepository

        public static void ensureOpenRepository​(Repository repo)
                                         throws DataNotAccessibleException
        Opens the data store behind the repository if necessary. Access is only allowed to opened repositories. Repositories may be reopened (and the also reclosed).
        repo - Repository which should be opened.
        DataNotAccessibleException - if access to the repository fails.
      • ensureClosedRepository

        public static void ensureClosedRepository​(Repository repo)
                                           throws DataNotAccessibleException
        Closes the data store behind the repository if necessary. Access is only allowed to opened repositories. Repositories may be reopened (and the also reclosed).
        repo - Repository which should be closed.
        DataNotAccessibleException - if access to the repository fails.