Interface ISlidingWindowListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
SlidingWindowAggregator, SlidingWindowExponentialSmoothingUtilizationAggregator, SlidingWindowUtilizationAggregator

public interface ISlidingWindowListener
This interface has to be implemented that want to observe SlidingWindows. It provides a callback method (onSlidingWindowFull(Iterable, Measure, Measure) that is triggered by each observed window once it is full, that is, just before it is about to move on.
As each SlidingWindow does only accepts measurements of a certain metric, only compatible observers can be attached. Thus, observers have to also specify a metric they accept (cf. getExpectedWindowDataMetric()).
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the metric this listener is accepting.
    onSlidingWindowFull(Iterable<org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.MeasuringValue> windowData, javax.measure.Measure<Double,javax.measure.quantity.Duration> windowLeftBound, javax.measure.Measure<Double,javax.measure.quantity.Duration> windowLength)
    This callback method is triggered by each observed window once it is full, that is, just before it is about to move on.
  • Method Details

    • onSlidingWindowFull

      void onSlidingWindowFull(Iterable<org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.MeasuringValue> windowData, javax.measure.Measure<Double,javax.measure.quantity.Duration> windowLeftBound, javax.measure.Measure<Double,javax.measure.quantity.Duration> windowLength)
      This callback method is triggered by each observed window once it is full, that is, just before it is about to move on.
      windowData - An Iterable containing the currently collected window data, that is, all MeasuringValues within the window's current bounds.
      windowLeftBound - A Measure denoting the window's current lower/left bound.
      windowLength - A Measure denoting the current window length.
    • getExpectedWindowDataMetric

      org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription getExpectedWindowDataMetric()
      Gets the metric this listener is accepting.
      A MetricDescription indicating the type of SlidingWindows this listener can observe.
      See Also: