Interface ISlidingWindowMoveOnStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
DiscardAllElementsPriorToLowerBoundStrategy, FlushWindowStrategy, KeepLastElementPriorToLowerBoundStrategy
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface ISlidingWindowMoveOnStrategy
Each window instance has an attached ISlidingWindowMoveOnStrategy that defines how the collected data (i.e., the measurements) are adjusted when the window moves forward. For instance, one strategy might be to discard all measurements that are now "outside" the window.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    adjustData(Deque<org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.MeasuringValue> currentData, javax.measure.Measure<Double,javax.measure.quantity.Duration> newLowerBound, javax.measure.Measure<Double,javax.measure.quantity.Duration> increment)
    This method specifies how the collected data (i.e., the measurements) are adjusted when the window moves forward.
  • Method Details

    • adjustData

      void adjustData(Deque<org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.MeasuringValue> currentData, javax.measure.Measure<Double,javax.measure.quantity.Duration> newLowerBound, javax.measure.Measure<Double,javax.measure.quantity.Duration> increment)
      This method specifies how the collected data (i.e., the measurements) are adjusted when the window moves forward. It is called by the associated SlidingWindow instance each time it has moved forward.
      Note that the adjustment of the data has to be done in-place.
      currentData - A Deque containing the window data (i.e., the collected measurements) at the moment it moved forward. The adjustment of the data has to be done in-place, i.e., this Deque has to be manipulated directly.
      newLowerBound - A point in time (in seconds) denoting the new lower bound of the window.
      increment - A Measure indicating by what the window moved forward.