Class DemandBasedWaitingTimeCalculator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.palladiosimulator.commons.designpatterns.IAbstractObservable<org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.listener.IMeasurementSourceListener>, org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.metricentity.IMetricEntity, IProbeListener

    public class DemandBasedWaitingTimeCalculator
    extends WaitingTimeCalculator
    Calculates the waiting time for resources in environments where the stop of the waiting period cannot be observed directly. Rather the following values (respectively events) should be observable.
    • start - "request for processing"-event
    • stop - "end of processing"-event (Notice: This is different from the waiting period stop)
    • demand - the demanded time
    The waiting time results from calculating (stop - start) - demand . The final result is still a (start point in time, waiting time)-tuple, i.e., a measurement typed with a metric set.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DemandBasedWaitingTimeCalculator

        public DemandBasedWaitingTimeCalculator​(org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint measuringPoint,
                                                List<Probe> probes)
        Default constructor.
        measuringPoint - MeasuringPoint as needed by the superclass.
        probes - Probes as needed by the superclass.