Interface IMetric

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComposedMetric, AbstractCountingMetric, AbstractHierarchyMapping, AbstractMetric, Abstractness, AbstractRatioMetric, AbstractStepwiseMetric, AbstractTypesCount, AbstractWeightedComposedMetric, AdherenceToInterfaceCommunication, AfferentCoupling, ConfigurableRatioMetric, ConfigurableStepwiseMetric, ConfigurableWeightedComposedMetric, Coupling, DefaultCompositionIndicatingMetric, DefaultMergeIndicatingMetric, DirectoryMapping, DMS, EfferentCoupling, ExternalAccessesCount, Instability, InterfaceAccessesCount, InternalAccessesCount, NameResemblance, PackageMapping, SliceLayerArchitectureQuality, SubsystemComponent, TotalTypesCount

public interface IMetric
Base interface for all SoMoX metrics.
  • Method Details

    • computeDirected

      void computeDirected(ClusteringRelation relationToCompute)
      Computes the metric for the given clustering relation and stores the value in it
    • isCommutative

      boolean isCommutative()
      true if the metric gives the same result if firstComponent and secondComponent are swapped
    • isNormalised

      boolean isNormalised()
      whether the metric is normalized. If it is normalized, values of this metric must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
    • initialize

      void initialize(Root gastModel, SoMoXConfiguration somoxConfiguration, Map<MetricID,IMetric> allMetrics, org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph<,ClassAccessGraphEdge> accessGraph, ComponentToImplementingClassesHelper componentToClassHelper)
      Initializes the Metric. Must be called before metrics are computed. Should be called again, if the model changed
      gastModel - the Root object of the GAST model
      somoxConfiguration - the configuration of the metric computation
      allMetrics - A map of all metrics available in the running SoMoX instance, maps metricID to Metric implementation
      accessGraph - A graph which contains the number of accesses from the source GASTClass to the target GASTClass for all edges in the
      componentToClassHelper - Helper initialized graph
    • getLaunchConfigurationTab

      MetricTab getLaunchConfigurationTab()
      Returns the GUI launch configuration tab that can be used to configure the metric. Override if the metric supplies a tab
    • getMID

      MetricID getMID()
      Returns the Metric ID of the Metric
      the metric id of the instance
    • getMetricParameters

      ParameterDescriptor[] getMetricParameters()
      The parameters needed by this metric for its computation. Parameters will be shown on the UI and their values will be passed to the metric during initialization of the metric
      A list of parameter descriptors for the parameters of this metric