Package org.somox.sourcecodedecorator
Interface SourcecodedecoratorPackage.Literals
- Enclosing interface:
- SourcecodedecoratorPackage
public static interface SourcecodedecoratorPackage.Literals
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
- each class,
- each feature of each class,
- each operation of each class,
- each enum,
- and each data type
- Generated class or method.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Action Class Method Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Action' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Class Method' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Method Level Source Code Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Function' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Component Implementing Classes Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Component' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Implementing Classes' reference list feature.static final EAttribute
The meta object literal for the 'Is Composite Component' attribute feature.static final EAttribute
The meta object literal for the 'Is Initial Component' attribute feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Provided Interfaces' reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Required Interfaces' reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Sub Components' reference list feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Control Flow Level Source Code Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Action' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Statement' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Data Type Source Code Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Inner Datatype Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Ja Mo PP Type' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Pcm Data Type' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'File Level Source Code Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'File' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Repository Component' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Inner Datatype Source Code Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Field' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Inner Declaration' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Interface Source Code Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Gast Class' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Interface' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Method Level Resource Demanding Internal Behavior Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Resource Demanding Internal Behaviour' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Method Level Source Code Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Operation' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'PCM System Implementating Classes Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'System Model' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Seff Element Source Code Link
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Seff Element' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Statement' reference list feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'SEFF2 Method Mapping
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Seff' reference feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Statement List Container' reference feature.static final EClass
The meta object literal for the 'Source Code Decorator Repository
' class.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Action Class Method Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Component Implementing Classes Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Control Flow Level Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Data Type Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'File Level Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Interface Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Method Level Resource Demanding Internal Behavior Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Method Level Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Seff Elements Source Code Links' containment reference list feature.static final EReference
The meta object literal for the 'Seff2 Method Mappings' containment reference list feature.
Field Details
The meta object literal for the 'File Level Source Code Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Repository Component' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'File' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Method Level Source Code Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Operation' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Control Flow Level Source Code Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Action' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Statement' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Source Code Decorator Repository
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'File Level Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Method Level Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Control Flow Level Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Interface Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Component Implementing Classes Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Data Type Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Action Class Method Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
static final EReference SOURCE_CODE_DECORATOR_REPOSITORY__METHOD_LEVEL_RESOURCE_DEMANDING_INTERNAL_BEHAVIOR_LINKThe meta object literal for the 'Method Level Resource Demanding Internal Behavior Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Seff2 Method Mappings' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Seff Elements Source Code Links' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Interface Source Code Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Interface' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Gast Class' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Component Implementing Classes Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Is Composite Component' attribute feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Component' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Implementing Classes' reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Sub Components' reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Provided Interfaces' reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Required Interfaces' reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Is Initial Component' attribute feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'PCM System Implementating Classes Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'System Model' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Data Type Source Code Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Ja Mo PP Type' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Pcm Data Type' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Inner Datatype Source Code Link' containment reference list feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Inner Datatype Source Code Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Field' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Inner Declaration' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Action Class Method Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Class Method' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Action' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Method Level Resource Demanding Internal Behavior Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
static final EReference METHOD_LEVEL_RESOURCE_DEMANDING_INTERNAL_BEHAVIOR_LINK__RESOURCE_DEMANDING_INTERNAL_BEHAVIOURThe meta object literal for the 'Resource Demanding Internal Behaviour' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Method Level Source Code Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Function' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'SEFF2 Method Mapping
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Seff' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Statement List Container' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Seff Element Source Code Link
' class.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Seff Element' reference feature.- Generated class or method.
The meta object literal for the 'Statement' reference list feature.- Generated class or method.