Package org.somox.sourcecodedecorator
package org.somox.sourcecodedecorator
InterfacesClassDescriptionA representation of the model object ' Abstract Action Class Method Link'.A representation of the model object ' Abstract Method Level Source Code Link'.A representation of the model object ' Component Implementing Classes Link'.A representation of the model object ' Control Flow Level Source Code Link'.A representation of the model object ' Data Type Source Code Link'.A representation of the model object ' File Level Source Code Link'.A representation of the model object ' Inner Datatype Source Code Link'.A representation of the model object ' Interface Source Code Link'.A representation of the model object ' Method Level Resource Demanding Internal Behavior Link'.A representation of the model object ' Method Level Source Code Link'.A representation of the model object ' PCM System Implementating Classes Link'.A representation of the model object 'SEFF2 Method Mapping'.A representation of the model object 'Seff Element Source Code Link'.The Factory for the model.The Package for the model.Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each operation of each class, each enum, and each data typeA representation of the model object ' Source Code Decorator Repository'.