Interface ISchedulableProcess

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ISchedulableProcess extends de.uka.ipd.sdq.simulation.abstractsimengine.IEntity
Process that can be scheduled for execution on an active resource or can acquire and release passive resources.
  • Method Details

    • activate

      void activate()
      Notifies the process to resume its execution. Is only called if the process has been passivated before.
    • passivate

      void passivate()
      Notifies the process to suspend its execution.
    • getId

      String getId()
      Unique identifier of the process.
      A unique ID identifying this process
    • getRootProcess

      ISchedulableProcess getRootProcess()
      Returns the root process that spawned this processes (directly or indirectly). The root process is used to create this process' scheduling meta-data. The root process has to point to itself.
      ISchedulableProcess which is the root process
    • isFinished

      boolean isFinished()
      Return whether this process is finished
      true if the process has finished its execution
    • fireTerminated

      void fireTerminated()
    • addTerminatedObserver

      void addTerminatedObserver(IActiveResource o)
    • removeTerminatedObserver

      void removeTerminatedObserver(IActiveResource o)
    • getPriority

      int getPriority()
    • setPriority

      void setPriority(int prio)
    • timeout

      void timeout(String timeoutFailureName)
      Forces a suspended process to run into a timeout failure. Used for passive resource timeouts
      timeoutFailureName - the name of the triggered timeout failure