Class JavaClasspath


public class JavaClasspath extends Object
This class is responsible for managing and retrieving Java resources to establish inter-model references between different Java classes represented as EMF-models.
  • Method Details

    • get

      public static JavaClasspath get()
    • get

      public static JavaClasspath get(EObject obj)
    • get

      public static JavaClasspath get(Resource resource)
    • get

      public static JavaClasspath get(ResourceSet set)
    • remove

      public static void remove(EObject obj)
    • remove

      public static void remove(Resource resource)
    • remove

      public static void remove(ResourceSet set)
    • enableLocalRegistration

      public void enableLocalRegistration()
    • clear

      public void clear()
    • registerJavaRoot

      public void registerJavaRoot(JavaRoot root, URI physicalUri)
    • registerPackage

      public void registerPackage(Package pack, URI physicalUri)
    • registerPackage

      public void registerPackage(String packageName, URI physicalUri)
    • registerModule

      public void registerModule(Module module, URI physicalUri)
    • registerModule

      public void registerModule(String moduleName, URI physicalUri)
    • getPackage

      public Package getPackage(String packageName)
    • getModule

      public Module getModule(String moduleName)
    • getConcreteClassifier

      public ConcreteClassifier getConcreteClassifier(String fullQualifiedClassifierName)
    • getConcreteClassifiers

      public Collection<ConcreteClassifier> getConcreteClassifiers(String packageName)
    • registerStdLib

      public void registerStdLib()
      Registers all classes of the Java standard library ( for Java 9+) located at System.getProperty("java.home").
    • registerZip

      public void registerZip(URI zipURI)
      Registers all source and class files within a zip file.
      zipURI - URI pointing to the zip file.
    • existsPackage

      public boolean existsPackage(String packageName)
    • getURIMap

      public Map<URI,URI> getURIMap()
    • registerClassifier

      public void registerClassifier(CompilationUnit compilationUnit, URI uri)
      Registers all classes defined in the given compilation unit.
      compilationUnit - the given compilation unit.
      uri - the physical URI of the compilation unit.
    • registerClassifier

      public void registerClassifier(String packageName, String classifierName, URI physicalURI)
      Registers the classifier with the given name and package that is physically located at the given URI. If there is already a classifier registered for the given class name, the old one is replaced with the new one.
      packageName - the name of the package that contains the classifier.
      classifierName - the simple name of the classifier.
      physicalURI - the URI where the classifier can be found (class or source file).
    • unRegisterClassifier

      public void unRegisterClassifier(String packageName, String classifierName)
      Removes the classifier identified by its package and name from the class path.
      packageName - name of the package.
      classifierName - name of the classifier.
    • isPackageRegistered

      public boolean isPackageRegistered(String packageName)
    • isRegistered

      public boolean isRegistered(String fullQualifiedName)