Class ConstantClass

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstantClass

        public ConstantClass​(ConstantClass c)
        Initialize from another object.
      • ConstantClass

        public ConstantClass​(int nameIndex)
        nameIndex - Name index in constant pool. Should refer to a ConstantUtf8.
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public void accept​(Visitor v)
        Called by objects that are traversing the nodes of the tree implicitely defined by the contents of a Java class. I.e., the hierarchy of methods, fields, attributes, etc. spawns a tree of objects.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface Node
        Specified by:
        accept in class Constant
        v - Visitor object
      • dump

        public void dump​(DataOutputStream file)
                  throws IOException
        Dumps constant class to file stream in binary format.
        Specified by:
        dump in class Constant
        file - Output file stream
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs writing to the DataOutputStream.
      • getNameIndex

        public int getNameIndex()
        Name index in constant pool of class name.
      • setNameIndex

        public void setNameIndex​(int nameIndex)
        nameIndex - the name index in the constant pool of this Constant Class