Interface IBlackboardInteractingJob<BlackboardType extends Blackboard<?>>

Type Parameters:
BlackboardType - Type of the blackboard which is needed by this job
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBlackboardInteractingJob, AbstractExtendableJob, AbstractWorkflowExtensionJob, BlackboardAwareJobProxy, CheckEMFConstraintsJob, DynamicSequentialBlackboardInteractingJob, ModelValidationJob, ParallelBlackboardInteractingJob, PerformOAWCheckValidation, PrepareXTextPartitionJob, QVTOTransformationJob, SavePartitionToDiskJob, SequentialBlackboardInteractingJob, XTextGeneratorBlackboardJob

public interface IBlackboardInteractingJob<BlackboardType extends Blackboard<?>> extends IJob
Interface of a job which needs access to a certain type of blackboard to retrieve or store data.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Sets the blackboard of this job to the given blackboard.

    Methods inherited from interface

    cleanup, execute, getName
  • Method Details

    • setBlackboard

      void setBlackboard(BlackboardType blackboard)
      Sets the blackboard of this job to the given blackboard.
      blackboard - The blackboard to be used by this job