Class BlackboardBasedWorkflow<T extends Blackboard<?>>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the blackboard which the jobs in the workflow can access
All Implemented Interfaces:
ICompositeJob, IJob, Iterable<IJob>, Collection<IJob>, List<IJob>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BlackboardBasedWorkflow<T extends Blackboard<?>> extends Workflow
A workflow implementation which may contain jobs which need to access a blackboard.
  • Constructor Details

    • BlackboardBasedWorkflow

      public BlackboardBasedWorkflow(IJob job, T blackboard)
      Instantiates a new blackboard based workflow.
      job - the job
      blackboard - the blackboard
    • BlackboardBasedWorkflow

      public BlackboardBasedWorkflow(IJob job, WorkflowExceptionHandler handler, T blackboard)
      Instantiates a new blackboard based workflow.
      job - the job
      handler - the handler
      blackboard - the blackboard
    • BlackboardBasedWorkflow

      public BlackboardBasedWorkflow(IJob job, IProgressMonitor monitor, WorkflowExceptionHandler handler, T blackboard)
      Instantiates a new blackboard based workflow.
      job - the job
      monitor - the monitor
      handler - the handler
      blackboard - the blackboard
  • Method Details